Christian Sugiono was born in Jakarta 25 Februari 1981, we can call him with name "Tian" or "Sugi". Christian is an actor and commercial star. Popular with public after staring film Catatan Akhir Sekolah and Jomblo in 2005. Being a nomination praising actor in Bandung Film Festival (FFB) and Panasonic Award 2007 as a favourite actor.

A germany, Javaneese and Pontianakneese born from a mother from germany and his father is from Indonesia. Christian is second from three brother. Tian studying at Charitas School (Primary Education) and Panghudi Luhur High School.

In High School Christian Sugiono Active in organitation, and he has a band "Foto", that ever be a top 2 in Indie Lapan Prambors Radio. Tian can play Piano, Guitar, bass and drum. After High School Sugi out from his band because must move to Germany.
From 2000 until 2006, Christian lived in Hamburg, Germany, studying in Informatics techonological Deparement in Technische Hamburg University. But he choose to back to Indonesia before finish his education at there. In Indonesia Christian Sugiono start his career in entertainment and web design. His hobby is watching concer and music festival. He ever contribute some articles to MTV Trax Magazine.

In 2006 he start his career in Show Biz with staring Tipu Kanan Tipu Kiri (100 Lies To Hide a Wife) that produce by Malaysian Producer for Indonesian public, in this film christian Sugiono and Titi Kamal act as a couple. Beside Indonesian actor in that film also act by Malaysian and Bollywood actor.
- Arti Cinta in 2004 (Video Clip Ari Lasso)
- Jomblo in 2006 (Series Film)
- Dunia Tanpa Koma in 2006 (Series Film)
- Pengantin Remaja in 2006
- Dunia Maya in 2006 (FTV)
- Mengejar Cinta in 2006 (FTV)
- Gantung in 2007 (Video Clip Melly Goeslaw)
- Mukjizat Itu Nyata in 2007 (Series Film)
- Kasih in 2007
- Ratu in 2007
- Catatan Akhir Sekolah
- Cinta Silver
- Jomblo
- (Bukan) Kesempatan Yang Terlewat (as himself - Lux short movie with Dian Sastrowardoyo)
- Foto Kotak dan Jendela (Sidestream Movie)
- Jakarta Undercover
- Dunia Mereka
- Tipu Kanan Tipu Kiri (100 Lies To Hide A Wife)
yes he Tian is my boy friend
mau jadi am titi tau lagi pencarian dalam hubungan u yg gk pasti?